Alphabet Soup: A Q&A about CBD with Pet Poison Helpline

By Tabatha Regehr, DVM
Associate Veterinarian &
Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS, DABT, DABVT
Director of Veterinary Services

Cannabidiol, frequently referred to as “CBD”, is gaining in popularity and interest by pet owners and veterinary professionals alike. At Pet Poison Helpline, we get a lot of questions about the safety of CBD and the number of poison control consults regarding CBD …

SafetyCall Attends CHFA East

SafetyCall recently attended the Canadian Health Food Association’s (CHFA) eastern regulatory conference on September 12-13th and exhibited at the trade show September 14-15th, 2019. This was the first conference and trade show SafetyCall has attended with CHFA. Plans are already in the works to attend the western show in February 2020.

Much of the talk at the conference mirrored the …

SafetyCall Aids Clients with Amazon Disputes

Recently, we’ve been contacted by clients that have had their products pulled from Amazon after individual consumers have posted unsubstantiated allegations that their product caused them to become ill. In some cases, consumers have indicated in their product review that they needed to go to the ER but provided little detail regarding any diagnosis and/or treatment information and whether or …

SafetyCall International’s Rick Kingston Takes Critical View of Harvard Study Assessing Risks of Dietary Supplements

Recently, Harvard researchers conducted a study involving dietary supplements, later published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, to review adverse event reports from January 2004 to April 2015 using data from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). The FAERS is a database that contains line listings of select fields of data from Adverse Event (AE) reports contained …

Listen in as SafetyCall’s Rick Kingston Speaks at FDA Public Hearing

The FDA is seeking public comment regarding the availability of scientific data and information regarding Cannabis or Cannabis derived ingredients.  This has been a difficult topic for FDA considering the fact that such products are still classified as Schedule I substances at a Federal level. FDA is looking for scientific information to help them determine if there is a path

Always Learning

Annie Asplen, Paramedic, MS
Medical Writer, Regulatory Assistant, Senior Information Specialist

Syrup of ipecac, the drug that causes quick and forceful vomiting, was once considered to be an important treatment for ingested poisons. However, as researchers learned more about toxicology, it was eventually discovered that activated charcoal was a better way to prevent the absorption of poisons, and that ipecac …

SafetyCall Weighs in on Statement from FDA Commissioner on Agency’s New Efforts to Strengthen Regulation of Dietary Supplements

Rick Kingston, PharmD
President, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs & Sr. Clinical Toxicologist 
Many SafetyCall clients that manufacturer and distribute dietary supplements have likely seen the recent press release by FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb.
One thing that is clear, the FDA plans to crack down on companies that intentionally adulterate their products with unapproved ingredients. These companies put responsible manufacturers

Quality Control

Annie Asplen, Paramedic, MS
Medical Writer, Regulatory Assistant, Senior Information Specialist

Most of our work is done independently, with team members helping callers one-on-one. Because of this, it can be difficult for our agents to assess the quality of their own work, which is vital to continued improvement. That’s why our quality control (QC) program is in place to help …