Employee Spotlight- Kerra Gray, LVT

1. How long have you worked for SafetyCall International?

Since January 2, 2022.

2.What does your job entail (brief overview of your job) ?

I answer Pet Poison Helpline and Animal Nurseline calls. These calls come from pet owners concerned either about a potential toxin exposure or a health concern for their pet(s).

3.What is your favorite aspect of your

Dr. Rick Kingston is Presenting at CHPA’s Regulatory, Scientific & Quality Conference and HCPA’s Consumer Products Safety Commission Workshop

Dr. Rick Kingston will be speaking at two events this week in Washington DC. The Consumer Health and Products association’s (CHPA) Regulatory, Scientific & Quality Conference. This event brings together industry leaders, regulatory personnel, and academia to discuss the consumer healthcare landscape. The event agenda offers key topics related to legal, regulatory and scientific, and product quality. Dr. Kingston will …