Our Clients and their Customers can count on us to always be our best!

Annie Asplen, Paramedic, MS
Medical Writer, Regulatory Assistant, Senior Information Specialist

Some employees have been with SafetyCall for a decade or more. Some of us have bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, or doctorates. Some of us have taught university classes in public health, published papers on toxicology, or trained newly-hired employees. With that kind of experience, it would be easy to …

Welcome to the SafetyCall Blog!

Today SafetyCall enters the blogosphere with the launch of our blog site. Staying true to SafetyCall’s mission of communicating clear and trusted health, safety, and medical information 24/7, the content of our blogs will reflect just that, information and opinions from health care practitioners with a specialized yet broad area of knowledge. That knowledge relates to a clear understanding of …