Team Member Spotlight- Julie Rowan

1. How long have you worked for SafetyCall International?

I started in January of 2021 and just celebrated my 1 year anniversary. This company has been such a perfect fit that I feel like I’ve been here forever, in the best possible way!

2.What does your job entail (brief overview of your job) ?

My two main jobs are;
One: …

Team Member Spotlight- Tammy Johnson, CVT

More about Tammy: 

Tammy Johnson is a Certified Veterinary Technician, Training Manager, Senior Veterinary Information Specialist, and Client Liaison at SafetyCall. She manages the development, implementation, and execution of the new hire and continuing education programs for SafetyCall. She joined SafetyCall International in 2007 and began her focus in the Training Management role in 2014. She earned her Associates of …

SafetyCall Publishes Methodology for a Standardized Approach to Adverse Event Data Analysis of Consumer Products

Healthcare professionals, toxicologists and other scientists at SafetyCall International have been managing product related adverse events on behalf of manufacturers for decades. During this time SafetyCall has managed more than 3,000,000 incidents and helped manufacturers with early detection of safety issues and implement strategies to manage and mitigate adverse events. SafetyCall’s experience and methodology in this important area has recently