Our mission is to make the world a safer place. We do this by reassuring and providing quality care for our clients, their customers, animals and pets by delivering immediate, 24/7 access to clear and trusted health, safety and medical information, and by enhancing and promoting product safety.
Our Company
SafetyCall International is an independent Limited Liability Company (LLC), owned and operated by licensed professionals who provide services directly to industry clients.
While solely improving service offerings to meet a variety of client needs within diverse industries, SafetyCall maintains a debt-free status without the aid of investor and shareholder influence.
Recognized Authorities
SafetyCall® operates a 24/7 adverse event call center. Our practitioners are the national leaders in product safety and clinical toxicology and are recognized throughout the country for their knowledge and experience. We have professionally authored over 100 product safety position papers and technical reports, published numerous articles and methodical abstracts in leading specialized journals, contributed a variety of book chapters, and given hundreds of scientific presentations in leading qualified venues.
Our expertise has been recognized and sought by certified groups and major regulatory bodies such as the FDA, EPA, and CPSC for issues related to product safety. Senior SafetyCall staff are invited to participate as experts in the field of Adverse Event Management and Regulatory Compliance at several industry conferences.
SafetyCall’s staff of health care providers is available 24/7. Services include: emergency assessment, treatment advice followed by comprehensive documentation of events surrounding any unintended product exposure, timely and complete adverse event regulatory reports involving EPA registered products, drugs regulated by the FDA, or products regulated under TSCA. Cases are documented in a proprietary software database system.
SafetyCall also operates the Pet Poison Helpline, a 24/7 international animal poison control service for veterinarians and pet owners who believe they have a potentially poisoned pet. SafetyCall International and Pet Poison Helpline are located in Bloomington, MN.
The Benefits of Working with SafetyCall
- We offer the standard of care in the industry and are leaders in setting the standard of care.
- We are fully licensed and insured to provide exactly what our clients need…..without restriction.
- We are proud to be the world’s largest independent Adverse Event Management Center for both humans and animals with over 30 years of experience.
- Our expertise has been sought by nearly every regulatory body engaged in the service sectors we cover.
- We do whatever we can to meet or exceed client expectations.
- Our goal remains to provide the highest quality of service for our clients and their customers.
Over 3,000,000 Cases Managed
SafetyCall professionals are nationally recognized experts in the collection and interpretation of spontaneously reported incident data presented directly to the manufacturer. By providing innovative, high-value services to industry and government, the professional staff of SafetyCall have been actively enhancing product safety for over 30 years. During this time, our staff has managed over three million product incident cases, positively impacting the safety of products worldwide.
Our Values
Awards & Recognition

The evaluation for the Star Tribune’s Top Workplaces program is based upon feedback from an employee survey regarding company leadership, communications, career opportunities, workplace environment, managerial skills, pay and benefits. Over 4,000 organizations were invited to participate in the survey, and over 124,000 employees shared their views. We are honored to be included in the list of Top Workplaces.
Professional Affiliations and Certifications
American Botanical Council
The American Botanical Council is an independent, nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to providing accurate and reliable information for consumers, healthcare practitioners, researchers, educators, industry and the media. abc.herbalgram.org
American Association of Poison Control Centers
The American Association of Poison Control Centers is a national non-profit organization supporting the nation’s 55 poison centers in their efforts to prevent and treat poison exposures. AAPCC strives to actively advance the health care role and public health mission of its members through information, advocacy, education, and research. www.aapcc.org
American Herbal Products Association
The American Herbal Products Association is a national trade association and voice in the herbal products industry. AHPA has over 350 member companies of foreign and domestic origins that are growers, processors, manufacturers and marketers of herbs and herbal products that are used as foods, dietary supplements, cosmetics and non-prescription drugs. The AHPA’ s mission is to promote the responsible commerce of herbal products to ensure that consumers continue to enjoy informed access to a wide variety of herbal goods. www.ahpa.org
American Society for Quality
The American Society for Quality is a global knowledge network that makes quality a global priority, an organizational imperative, and a personal ethic. ASQ is the community for everyone who seeks quality concepts, technology, or tools to improve themselves and their world. ASQ offers memberships, training and learning tools, networking opportunities and certifications to individuals, organizations and institutions in more than 130 countries. www.asq.org
The National Animal Supplement Council is a nonprofit trade organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing the health of companion animals and horses throughout the US. The mission of the NASC is to promote the health and well-being of non-human food chain animals that are given animal health supplements, by establishing federal and state regulations that are fair, reasonable, responsible and nationally consistent. SafetyCall International is proud to be a preferred supplier of this association. www.nasc.cc
Personal Care Products Council
The Personal Care Products Council is the leading national trade association that represents the global cosmetics and personal care products industry. The PCPC is committed to safety, quality and innovation of cosmetics and personal care products and serves as the voice on scientific, legal, regulatory, legislative and international issues in the industry. www.personalcarecouncil.org
United Natural Products Alliance
The United Natural Products Alliance is an international association representing more than 100 best-in-class natural products, dietary supplements, functional food, and scientific technology and related services companies who share a commitment to providing consumers with natural health products of a superior quality, benefit and reliability. UNPA is known and respected for its unparalleled expertise in national and international regulatory and legislative issues. www.unpa.com
Animal Health Institute
The Animal Health Institute represents the companies that develop and produce animal medicines. AHI helps develop and produce three types of animal medicines which include biologics, pharmaceuticals and flea and tick medications for an industry that aims to keep all animals healthy while also producing results with economic and social benefits for Americans. www.ahi.org
Canadian Health Food Association
The Canadian Health Food Association is Canada’s largest trade association dedicated to natural health and organic products. CHFA promotes and protects the natural health product industry and the organic product industry and its members include manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, distributors and importers of natural health and organic products. www.chfa.ca
Consumer Healthcare Products Association
The Consumer Healthcare Products Association is a national trade association that represents the leading manufacturers and marketers of over -the-counter (OTC) medicines and dietary supplements. CHPA is committed to empowering consumer self-care by preserving and expanding choice and availability of consumer healthcare products. www.chpa.org
Council for Responsible Nutrition
The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), founded in 1973 and based in Washington, D.C., is the leading trade association representing dietary supplement and functional food manufacturers and ingredient suppliers. www.crnusa.org
Household and Commercial Products Association
The Household and Commercial Products Association is a trade association that represents household and commercial products that are used in consumer homes and businesses. The HCPA also offers workshops, seminars and scientific resources for its members. www.thehcpa.org
Natural Products Association
The Natural Products Association is the leading trade association for dietary supplements, natural sports and health nutrition, medical and functional foods, probiotics and natural personal/home care products. NPA was founded in 1936, making it the nation’s largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to the natural products industry. NPA strives to achieve a broader and more accessible marketplace for natural products that will improve the quality of life for consumers worldwide. www.npanational.org
Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society
The Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society is the largest global organization of and for those involved with the regulation of healthcare and related products, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biologics and nutritional products. RAPS offers education and training, publications, research, networking and career development opportunities as well as the Regulatory Affairs Certification (RAC), which is the only post-academic professional credential to recognize regulatory excellence. www.raps.org
The Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business (SOCAP International) represents a thriving global profession of best-in-class customer care experts across all industries. SOCAP is a member-driven organization committed to promoting customer care and customer engagement as a competitive advantage in business. www.socap.org