Webinar: The Buzz on Caffeine

Dr. Kingston will join a group of faculty to present a two hour webinar hosted by the Institute of Food Technologists.

“The Buzz on Caffeine: New Developments in Safety, Regulation and Adverse Event Reporting

Caffeine, a methylated xanthine, is the most widely used mild central nervous system stimulant, naturally present in many common conventional foods and dietary supplements.  More …

Dr. Kingston Comments at Institute of Medicine’s Caffeine Workshop

Dr. Rick Kingston provided comments at the Institute of Medicine’s Workshop on Potential Health Hazards Associated with Consumption of Caffeine in Food and Dietary Supplements.  The two day workshop took place on August 5-6 in Washington DC and featured comments and presentations from various experts in the industry.

Topics and discussions included:

  • Evaluating the epidemiological, toxicological, clinical, and other

SafetyCall International Launches New Website and Knowledge Center

SafetyCall International, a multidisciplinary healthcare practice that provides adverse event management, regulatory reporting, post-market surveillance, and consulting services, invites manufacturers and regulatory professionals to explore its newly launched website and Knowledge Center.

In addition to being redesigned and improved with more information about SafetyCall®, the site offers fresh new content useful to professionals in the industries SafetyCall serves, including …

Webinar: Best Practices for Adverse Event Management and Reporting

On August 9, 2012, Rick Kingston, President, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs at SafetyCall International, will be presenting as a part of the SOCAP International Webinar Series. His presentation is titled, “Best Practices for Adverse Event Management and Reporting” and will cover:

  • Potential implications of pending and newly-implemented changes to regulations over adverse event reporting requirements for consumer products.
  • FDA’s new

Manufacturers role in adverse event reporting and postmarket surveillance to be discussed at the Human Performance and Dietary Supplements Summit

Rick Kingston, President, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs and Sr. Clinical Toxicologist at SafetyCall International will speak on the topic of adverse event and post market surveillance related to human performance dietary supplement at the upcoming summit sponsored by the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, NSCA, and Abbott Laboratories.

Dietary supplements to enhance athletic and general human performance are widely …

Adverse Event Reports on the Rise – Is there a Safety Issue?

Does FDA’s expectation of increased serious adverse event reports involving dietary supplements signal a safety issue with these products?

In recent months, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been advising dietary supplement companies to review their SOPs regarding adverse event documentation and reporting of serious adverse events to the FDA. FDA believes that there are good indications that …

Can Your Adverse Event Reporting Practices Affect Your Insurance Rates?

Rick Kingston recently spoke at the Consumer Healthcare Products Association’s Regulatory and Scientific Conference regarding Best Practices in Safety Surveillance. During his presentation, Rick explained how dietary supplement firms and manufacturers with best practices in place for adverse event reporting are most likely to receive the best insurance rates. Rick was quoted in “The Tan Sheet” Vol. 20, No. 22 …

The Importance of Best Practices

As Rick Kingston, President of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs at SafetyCall International, has said on numerous occasions, it is important for dietary supplement manufacturers to not only ‘meet the letter of the law’ in regards to manufacturing regulations, but to also define and follow best practices for compliance with these regulations. Dr. Kingston was quoted in “The Tan Sheet” article …