Employee Spotlight- Laura Bunn, MSN,RN

 1.How long have you worked for SafetyCall International?

About a year and a half.

2.What does your job entail (brief overview of your job) ?

I am part of the pharmacovigilance team here at SafetyCall; I assess and report adverse event cases to various regulatory agencies to ensure our clients are compliant with regulations. I also work with our PV systems to ensure that our team is able to effectively use our safety systems in day-to-day operations.

3.What is your favorite aspect of your job?

Working with our team; The variety of personalities, skills, and experience on our team makes work interesting and dynamic. We support a variety of clients and there is always something new to learn.

4.What is the best career lesson that you have learned?

To ask questions. There’s so much to gain from others’ experiences, but you have to ask and be proactive when opportunities arise.  Being inquisitive challenges our team to learn and grow, and ultimately results in us better serving our clients.

5.Which 3 of SafetyCall’s 7 core values and principles do you resonate the most with and why? (Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Teamwork, Professionalism and loyalty)

Integrity, Compassion, and teamwork. Integrity because our intentions and values are at the core of who we are. This is also true for compassion. One of the primary reasons I became a nurse is that for my life to be fulfilling, I need to feel like I’m giving my time to something of value. In my opinion, loving people (our family, friends, community) is most important. That is also why I value teamwork. Building team relationships nourishes us spiritually, and if we can use our collective skills to positively impact our community, then maybe we create a domino effect of compassion.

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