Daniel E. Keyler, PharmD, FAACT

Dr. Daniel E. Keyler is a Consulting Senior Clinical Toxicologist at SafetyCall International and Pet Poison Helpline. Dr. Keyler is a Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, and is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Minnesota in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. Dr. Keyler received a B.S. from Purdue University in Science, a B.S. in Pharmacy from University of Minnesota, and his Doctorate in Clinical Pharmacy from the University of Minnesota. In March 2016, Dr. Keyler was elected President of the North American Society of Toxinology. He is also certified in Clinical Toxinology (natural toxins) in Australia, home to most of the deadliest snakes in the world!
Dr. Keyler specializes in snake, spider, and scorpion envenomations, and has developed an entire course in Clinical Toxinology concerning envenomations with the University of Minnesota. He has personally consulted on the treatment of over 325 venomous snakebites to humans, along with almost 100 venomous snakebites in animals. Dr. Keyler is the Director of Research at Animal Venom Research International, and has served as the Chair of the Envenomations Group within the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology from 2002-07. Additionally, he is a member of the Antivenom Index Medical Advisory Committee, serves on the Board of Directors of the North American Society on Toxinology, and also serves as a member of the Federal Committee for the conservation of venomous snakes. Dr. Keyler also consults for numerous clienteles including the USA Armed Forces, Department of Defense and multiple national and international zoos. Dr. Keyler has published over 100 articles in multiple journals and has authored multiple book chapters in both human and veterinary medicine. He co-edited and co-authored Venomous Bites from Non-Venomous Snakes: A Critical Analysis of Risk and Management of Colubrid Snake Bites (Elsevier 2011, Editors: Weinstein S, Warrell DA, White J, Keyler KE), and has recently coauthored and edited Venomous Snakes of the Southwestern United States: First Aid Treatment and Species Accounts (Eco Books 2013, Editors: Keyler, DE and Rubio, M).