SafetyCall® operates a 24/7 adverse event call center. Our practitioners are the national leaders in product safety and clinical toxicology and are recognized throughout the country for their knowledge and experience. We have professionally authored over 100 product safety position papers and technical reports, published numerous articles and methodical abstracts in leading specialized journals, contributed a variety of book chapters, and given hundreds of scientific presentations in leading qualified venues.
Our expertise has been recognized and sought by certified groups and major regulatory bodies such as the FDA, EPA, and CPSC for issues related to product safety.
SafetyCall’s staff of health care providers is available 24/7. Services include: emergency assessment, treatment advice followed by comprehensive documentation of events surrounding any unintended product exposure, timely and complete adverse event regulatory reports involving EPA registered products, drugs and other products regulated by the FDA, or products regulated under TSCA. Cases are documented in a validated total pharmacovigilance software solution for the collection, management, assessment, and reporting of adverse events.
SafetyCall also operates the Pet Poison Helpline, a 24/7 international animal poison control service for veterinarians and pet owners. SafetyCall International and Pet Poison Helpline are located in Bloomington, MN.