FDA Now Making Data Available from CFSAN’s Adverse Event Reporting System (CAERS)

As part of the FDA’s commitment to transparency, for the first time it has begun posting data from CFSAN’s Adverse Event Reporting System (CAERS) on FDA.gov here and through OpenFDA. It’s downloadable in ASCII format, which is amenable to automated querying.

The database contains information on adverse event and product complaint reports submitted to the FDA for Center for Food …

Changes Coming to the EPA’s Adverse Event Reporting System

By Rick Kingston, President, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs

EPA changes in pest management regulatory reporting programsIt has been a number of years since there has been any change to the EPA’s adverse event reporting systems.  The last major change came in with passage of the 6(a)(2) provision in 1997, which set forth requirements for reporting of adverse events involving EPA registered products.  EPA subsequently put out PR …

Kelly Sioris – Mentor of the Year

A huge congratulations to SafetyCall’s Dr. Kelly Sioris on being recognized as the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy Mentor of the Year for 2014!  Kelly was nominated by her students and was selected out of 450 other mentors to win the award.  According to the University’s website, the Mentor of the Year is an individual who has shown support …

Celebrate the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act with CRN

The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), the leading trade association for the dietary supplement and functional food industry, invites you to join a month-long celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). The celebratory effort will make strong use of CRN’s online platforms throughout the month of October, and involve consumer education; recognition of …

SafetyCall’s Accepted Poster Presentations at NACCT

Congratulations to SafetyCall’s Drs. Kelly Sioris and Dan Keyler as well as Dr. Rick Kingston, Dr. Dean Filandrinos, and Ryan Seaverson for getting their abstracts accepted to this year’s North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT) meeting!

Dr. Kelly Sioris and Dr. Dan Keyler submitted an abstract titled, “K2 and K9s.”  K2, or synthetic cannabinoids, have become increasingly prevalent in …

SafetyCall International Issues Statement Regarding Institute of Medicine’s Food and Dietary Supplement Workshop Summary

Additional post-market surveillance is required to accurately determine potential risks of products containing caffeine

SafetyCall International today issued a statement in response to the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report released last week, “Examining Safety: Workshop Summary of Caffeine in Food and Dietary Supplements.” SafetyCall’s President of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Dr. Richard Kingston, who participated in the workshop, stated …

Dr. Kingston Awarded CSPA’s Chairman’s Outstanding Achievement Award for 2013

Rick Kingston, president, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs and Co-founder of SafetyCall International, is the co-recipient of the CSPA’s Chairman’s Outstanding Achievement Award for 2013.

Kingston has been instrumental in developing and delivering training for the Consumer Specialty Products Association’s Product Care program. After implementing the initiative at his own company, Kingston mentored other CSPA member companies seeking to do the …